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Getting started


  1. Install The Arqivist in your Confluence account via the Atlassian Marketplace.
  2. Open the Get started page of The Arqivist and follow the instructions. Press the Add to Slack button to be redirected to your Slack account.
  3. Review the permissions needed by The Arqivist (see below), and accept the integration.
  4. The Arqivist is now installed and ready to use 🎉


The Arqivist needs the following Slack scopes to work (links go to Slack's own docs):

Scope Reason
channels:history Access all content in public channels.
channels:join Lets the bot automatically join public channels when invoked
channels:read Determine if a target channel is public or private
chat:write Write message in channel announcing its archival
commands Needed for the /arqive slash command
groups:history Needed to collect content for archiving private channels
groups:read Check which user created the private channel
users:read Replace user ids in raw Slack messages with actual user names before archiving

Security and privacy

The Arqivist needs a wide set of permissions to work correctly. To respect your data, and assure the safety of your conversations, we do not save or log any messages or PII. On top of this, the app's code is open-source and auditable by anyone for full transparency.

All Slack messages and files are processed without leaving a trail, and then saved in your own Confluence instance.

For these reasons, The Arqivist is fully GDPR compliant.

Archiving your first messages

The entrypoint for most actions is the /arqive slash command. Type it without any arguments in the channel you want to archive, and you'll be greeted with a modal like this

A screenshot of the setup modal view

select the frequency with which The Arqivist should save the channel, and press "Create archive". For daily and weekly the app will create an archive immediately, then update it (i.e. append new messages to the Confluence page, and (if setup) add new json files to remote storage) with the frequency you select at 12am. Finally, you'll receive feedback that your job started

A screenshot of the confirmation modal view